2018 Korean Adventure Tour



Things to Know for Travel

  Chosun University/Gwangju Tournament Stay Items needed for dorms you will stay at
수건 (towel)
샴푸/ 린스(shampoo/conditioner)
칫솔/ 치약(tooth brush/tooth paste)
비누/ 바디워시(soap/body wash)
헤어 드라이어/ 헤어 브러시 (hair dryer/ hair brush)
슬리퍼(slippers for shower)
이불 - Blankets if you don’t like to use someone else. 
빨래 세제(detergents )
휴지(toilet paper)

a. During our time of travel it is the raining season (like our spring). Rain or Shine we will continue with our itinerary even if that means hiking up a mountain. A rain poncho or such is suggested.
b. Swimming will most likely be available at hotels. Bring bathing suits. Also most Korean facilities require bathing caps.
c. The temperatures will be very similar to what you would find in our area for this time of year. Clothing should allow for flexibility and be casual. Footware should be acceptable for hiking and walking.
d. Tae Kwon Do equipment: Students should have uniforms, belts. Also, speak to Master Yoo about sparring equip. if sparring at the Tournament.

a. Although the electric plugs used by Korean’s differ from our own, all of the places you will go will be the same as our outlet systems in the USA, but for the Gwangju stay (dorms) you may want to carry an adaptor.

-While touring most hotels are very nice and cater to Westerners.
-While at Gwangju for the tournament, the accommodations are college dorms (Choson University).
-Hotel accommodations are based on double occupancy. If you are a traveling single individual you will most likely be placed in a room with another trip participant. Families will be placed in a rooms based on family size.

-. 10,000 won is similar to shopping with $10us in America.
-There will be shopping available while we go to different sites at gift shops, but you must be ready to leave when the group is scheduled. We may have a timed group shopping event in Seoul at one of it’s premier shopping outlets (check the itinerary). Any other shopping must be done with your own free time outside of the group tour.
- Tipping is expected and will average $10 per day per person. 

a. We will provide an emergency contact phone number for when we arrive in Korea. This number with be for major emergencies only and is not for general use.
b. Korea uses a selective network for their cell phones. It is difficult to buy a phone or card in the US for use in Korea. There are many companies however that will rent a Korean phone that can be found on the web.